Jan 30, 2020
Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to register for a marathon. During the race they tried to forcibly remove her number - a scene that became immortalized, and the photograph of the moment made its way around the world. Afterwards, the number she wore - 261 - has become a symbol of gender equality in sports.
Jan 28, 2020
Dos metros de altura pueden suponer la diferencia entre un niño que acude tranquilo al colegio y otro que sufre humillaciones, burlas e insultos a diario en su etapa escolar. Bromas de mal gusto que acaban en palizas. Ese fue el caso del exjugador de baloncesto Iñaki Zubizarreta que con 11 años fue aislado de sus...
Jan 21, 2020
Convinced that “copy paste” is the foundation of art, writer and artist Austin Kleon has turned his thesis into a way of life. He defines himself as “a writer who draws”. His first best seller “Newspaper Blackout” is a book of poetry, which he created by re-editing newspaper articles with a permanent...
Jan 16, 2020
What is stoicism and how can it help us manage a life crisis? A doctor and professor of philosophy, Massimo Pigliucci faced a critical juncture with the death of his father and undergoing a divorce. He looked to the ancient philosophers for answers and discovered “virtue ethics,” an approach to life that...
Jan 14, 2020
Desde la publicación de su título más mítico, ‘La casa de los espíritus’ (1982), Isabel Allende ha conquistado el corazón y la mente de 74 millones de lectores en todo el planeta. A sus 78 años Allende sigue defendiendo los ideales que marcaron su juventud como periodista: el feminismo y la lucha contra la...