Jul 28, 2022
Sara Kuburic is a Serbian-Canadian therapist, researcher and writer, also popularly known as the online millennial therapist. Over the past few years, Sara has grown exponentially in popularity and recognition as a high-level therapist with expertise in psychology. Now, Kuburic is a columnist at USA Today, where she...
Jul 26, 2022
Mauro Bonazzi insegna Storia della Filosofia Antica all'Università di Utrecht e all'Università Statale di Milano. Ha insegnato anche a Clermont-Ferrand, Bordeaux, Lille e all'École Pratique des Hautes Études di Parigi. È un esperto del pensiero politico antico, di Platone e del platonismo. Tra le sue pubblicazioni...
Jul 19, 2022
“El descubrimiento del agujero en la capa de ozono nos hizo, por primera vez, globales y ecologistas. Podríamos hablar de deforestación, de contaminación de tierra y mares, de plásticos… Estamos por un camino equivocado y claramente tenemos que rectificar”. Con este mensaje, el físico, científico y escritor...
Jul 14, 2022
Soñaba de pequeña con tener la piel de otro color y el pelo liso. Hoy, Adriana Boho, vive lo que denomina “el despertar negro”. Orgullosa de su piel y de su pelo, esta influencer española de origen afrodescendiente utiliza el poder de las redes sociales para compartir sus ambiciones: la moda y la lucha...
Jul 12, 2022
Judit Polgár is a retired Hungarian chess player. She is considered the best female chess player in history. In 1991 she won the International Grand Master title at the age of 15 years and four months, thus becoming the youngest person to obtain that title at the time and breaking the record previously held by former...