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BBVA Aprendemos juntos 2030

Un programa semanal que ofrecerá información práctica sobre finanzas personales, soluciones fintech, metodologías de trabajo y consejos para que los usuarios tomen las mejores decisiones financieras. Sumérgete por unos minutos en la revolución digital. Te contamos lo que está suponiendo que aquellas empresas que no tienen un plan al respecto, se queden atrás o, puedan, incluso, tener las horas contadas. ¿Conoces la importancia que tiene planificar el futuro de nuestros bolsillos? Hace años que sabemos que será muy complicado que el actual sistema público de pensiones cubra nuestras necesidades cuando llegue el momento de dejar de trabajar.

Jun 19, 2019

“My dear refugee and friend, never quit learning, never quit dreaming. Never lose hope.” This is how the letter starts that Muzoon Al-Mellehan has dedicated to the boys and girls who suffer the toll caused by armed conflict. She also had to flee. At 14, she escaped Syria with her family, headed for a refugee camp in Jordan. She brought with her only the essentials: her schoolbooks. During the three years she spent in refugee camps, she fought to raise awareness among families that children should continue studying. In 2017 she became the first UNICEF goodwill ambassador with refugee status. She now lives in the United Kingdom where she is studying international relations: “My message for world leaders and international organizations is that they should focus their efforts on ensuring that children have access to quality education, no matter the circumstances in which they find themselves.”